Missions are publicly posted tasks that can be posted by the Curators or by other Archivists. They can range from many things, but the missions primarily posted by Curators will be to travel to and investigate different worlds, as well as solving Light-related distortions.Missions have different requirements for completion. Some will require art/ others will require RPing to fulfill.

Light is basically the ubiquitous currency used for stat boosts, healing, level-ups, and upgrades in this group.It takes the form of, well, light, gathered from traveling the worlds and performing tasks in them. Your form automatically gathers light within, and it can be released or given away with a mere thought. It can also be forcibly extracted and stolen.The more Light you have, the more "real" you become, until you can become a fully realized person of your own. While the Museum takes a small percentage of all Light that is collected, every Archivist gets to keep the majority and save it for different things.

You can earn Light to spend through art, writing, roleplaying, events, and completing missions. Archivists can then spend Light at Gha Agsheblah's shop, where they can buy promotions, unlock new worlds, and purchase character slots.There is also a feature to donate Light to the shop, a total shared by all Archivists. Donate enough, and unlock new rewards and features. Unlock new Curators, combat, official stats, and other features! (P2W, P2W, P2W)For any submission, you can either total it yourself using our counting spreadsheet on the Shop Spreadsheet, or the mods can RNG it for you. If the mods RNG it for you, there is a 3% chance to get a x5 Light multiplier!

Death is non-permanent, but it does have consequences.If an Archivist dies, they will receive a debuff or some kind of permanent injury. The severity (1-5) and what kind it is will be randomized by the mods based on how they died.These debuffs will lower Mission Success rate by 15% each (severity doesn't matter), and can stack.Once 4 death debuffs have stacked, your character will be "reset." They will lose all memories, forget all their connections, tabula rasa, et cetera. Use this for dramatic effect if you want. This state is IRREVERSIBLE.To remove a death debuff, simply go to the store to purchase a debuff remover.Lore-wise, all Archivists are revived by the Curator Thaumiel upon death. Dying harms their shadow body. Light fixes it.

E.G.O. is special weaponry and armor that can be extracted from abnormal entities and objects that Archivists encounter during their explorations of the world. They are not entirely cosmetic, and can easily be glamoured with the clothing of the Archivist's choice.For the moment, they can ONLY be obtained through the completion of missions.E.G.O. act as the Archivist's stats for the most part. Armor helps in enduring more damage, and weapons help in damaging others more easily. High-level E.G.O. can grant special abilities.

TemperanceIncreases Mission Success rate, stronger attachments
FortitudeEndures more attacks, sharper instinct
PrudenceMaintain sanity, keener insight
JusticeMove faster, repress urges

Player NPCs
You can freely make NPCs on any World except for the Museum, though we ask that you take it up with the person who created the World just in case. If it's a Mod-created World, then there's not as much strictness placed on it.
Museum NPCs
The Curators are a group of individuals who maintain the Museum that collects Light and aberrant existences, while documenting and safekeeping various Worlds. Apart from that, you, the Archivist, know very little about them. Where did they come from? Why are they doing this? Why do they call themselves the Qliphoth? Find out in the next episode of Pokemon.
In regards to Museum NPCs, AKA the Curators, they will steadily be unlocked over the progression of the main plot, or they can be unlocked from the store using Light. P2W.In the future, features involved with Museum NPCs interactions will be updated.

Elements are basically magic superpowers that an Archivist can use when they're under the leadership of a Curator. Some elements have overlapping characteristics and usages, and can be more conceptual when used. Archivists tend to be more skilled at different/specific disciplines within an Element, but we'll leave that up to the muns. Naturally, an Archivist can learn to master an Element in its entirety at higher levels.All beginner Archivists at the beginning of the group start out with Neutral Magic, under the leadership of the Curator Belial. You can change your element free for the first time, but you'll have to pay at the Shop for any subsequent element switches.Locked elements will be unlocked and available for switching once their respective Qliphoth/Curator is unlocked.Available Elements:Neutral (Default) - Belial
The neutral element is simple. Think of it like Normal-type Pokemon moves. Acts of strength, self-buffing, and enhanced stamina defines the element of Neutrality.
Electricity - Gha Agsheblah
The element of electricity allows the user to manipulate lightning. It also allows the user to understand and control technology. The sci-fi element.
Fire - Golohab
The element of fire allows the user to manipulate energy, or fire. It also allows the user to control radiation and visual light, giving them the power of illusions.